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Membership Benefits

As the focal point for the UK road surface treatments industry, the Road Surface Treatments Association offers its Members a recognised industry voice with representation to government and key client groups, input on best practice development, health and safety and technical issues.
In addition, RSTA Members have exclusive access to training discounts and opportunities to network and raise their business profile.

You can view all of our current members and details of their products and services: here

REPRESENTATION: forwarding your interests

RSTA represents and forwards its Members’ interests to a wide range of government, industry and client bodies, including:

  • Collective representation and liaison with HM Government, Department for Transport, HM Treasury, Highways England, Transport Scotland, Welsh Government, Department for Infrastructure Northern Ireland and local authorities throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • RSTA are invited to participate and represent members views for consultations from HM Government and HM Treasury.
  • RSTA have representation on the UK Asset Management Board.
  • RSTA chair and represent Members on both National Highways Sector Schemes NHSS13 and NHSS23.
  • RSTA are active on many industry committees including the Highway Technical Advisory Committee (HiTAC) and United Kingdom Pavement Liaison Group (UKPLG).
  • RSTA liaises with local authorities and other organisations including the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG), Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT), Midland Service Improvement Group (MSIG), Midlands Highway Alliance (MHA) and the London Technical Advisors Group (LoTAG).
advancing your sector

RSTA seeks to improve and enhance all road surface treatments sectors by:

  • Assisting with the development and review of industry specifications with Member’s input to ensure work is undertaken in accordance with required standards.
  • By being members of the British Standards Institution (BSI) and having membership of relevant British Standards technical committees, RSTA representatives assist in the development and review of existing and new BSI Standards.
  • RSTA represents the BSI on the relevant (CEN) European Committee for Standardization Technical Committees and Working Groups for harmonised BS EN Standards for road surface treatments.
  • RSTA promotes the road surface treatments industry at conferences and other presentation events.
an industry hub

RSTA provides an industry hub for training. This includes:

  • The RSTA Assessment Centre that offers a wide range of road surfacing NVQ’s from operatives to management level.
  • Ensuring that CSCS cards are claimed by the RSTA Assessment Centre upon the learner completing their NVQ certificate to ensure they are delivered without delay.
  • Provision of training and education for clients including awareness of surface treatments, materials and processes. Skid resistance courses are delivered in association with Xais Asset Management.
  • RSTA are joint course providers for the Diploma in Road Surface Treatments in the University of Derby in association with the Institute of Asphalt Technology (IAT).

RSTA aims to forward industry recognition that its Members follow best practice:

  • RSTA is the only organisation that can acquire, on behalf of Members, certification in accordance with National Highways Sector Scheme 13 (NHSS13) to be able to get the RSTA logo added to the Blue CSCS skilled worker card.
  • Development and publication of ADEPT / RSTA Codes of Practice.
  • RSTA membership and the use of the RSTA logo underline Member’s commitment to operative and management competencies and best practice.

“No man is an island”

Taking the adage ‘no man is an island’, RSTA provides a range of industry networking opportunities for its Members, including:

  • RSTA membership entitles Members to attend and take part in their relevant sector committee meetings and stand for election to the RSTA Executive Committee.
  • RSTA Members can attend the RSTA Annual Conference with prominent speakers from stakeholders and RSTA partners.
  • Members can present to local authority decision makers at RSTA/LCRIG/IAT/CIHT technical events.
  • RSTA Members have their personal login access to the “Member’s Area” on the RSTA website where guidance notes, committee minutes and relevant documentations are available.
get yourself known

RSTA offers Members a range of opportunities to help them raise their business profile:

  • RSTA Members and their contact details are listed in the Member Directory on the RSTA website.
  • RSTA Members company news, innovations, case studies etc. are posted on the RSTA LinkedIn page to over 2,500 connections for Highways – Asset Management, Procurement, Project Management and other decision makers.
  • The RSTA publishes ‘Renew’ Magazine each year that is circulated to 15,000 industry stakeholders including local authorities, consultants and contractors. Members can place both editorial and advertisements in the “Renew” magazine.
exclusive to Members

RSTA Members are offered a range of discounts, including:

  • A 20% discount on our CPD training courses.
  • Up to 15% discount on road surfacing NVQ’s when using the RSTA Assessment Centre.
  • Discounts on RSTA consultancy services including expert witness and other technical reports.
  • RST Testing Limited, which is an ISO/IEC 17025 certified testing laboratory accredited by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) for completing some of the test methods in relation to surface dressing, including BS 1707: Method of Test for Uniformity of Transverse Distribution of Binder (Depot Tray Test), and the documentation of Type Approval Installation Trials (TAIT) and subsequent Visual Assessment reports for relevant road surface treatments.

There has never been a better time to be a RSTA member

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